26 Aug

Nothing is cooler than opening a bag of freshly ground coffee beans for the first time. The notes of caramel and fruity fragrances melt your soul and give you a blast of sensory gratification that will linger with you forever.

Freshly toasted coffee beans taste better. Okay, maybe we're a little obsessed about the whole new thing, but it really does matter. Especially when most of the coffee bags are sitting on the grocery store shelf, they're going to stale. Let me clarify that

Coffee beans are years in the making -- Coffee plants are ideally cultivated in the warm climates near the equator. These plants grow cherries that are handpicked for their coffee seeds and refined into what we consider to be green coffee beans. These green beans are exported all over the world and can last up to a few months if stored in a climate-controlled environment. Fresh roasted coffee beans are toasted, cooled and sealed, ready for consumption..

The roasting process 

Roasting fresh green coffee seeds transforms them into brown coffee beans that we all see in our coffee shops and grocery stores. Hundreds of chemical and physical reactions produce new aromatic compounds during this roasting process.As soon as the beans pop out of the roaster onto the cooling shelf, the gasses continue to escape from the bean. At this point, the beans need to settle for a few days before they are ready to be brewed and eaten.

The prime time for coffee is 2 – 14 days after the roast date. This is when we assume the roasted coffee beans are at the height of their freshness. It's when the aromas and spices are at their best. At this peak cycle of freshness, the gasses (mainly CO2) continue to leak from the bean, rendering the flavours, until they begin to disappear.After two weeks, the aromas and tastes tend to decline and we call this a lack of freshness. Thirty days after the roast date, you will feel the difference. Brewing with stale beans is never going to yield a decent cup of coffee. Any nasty, generic varieties of coffee may also begin to evolve.

 Why do coffee beans go stale?

Oxygen is the enemy of a freshly roasted coffee bean! Oxygen allows the coffee soluble to dissolve and oxidize, which ensures that the flavour of the coffee beans is lost. Holding the beans free from oxygen makes them fresher for longer.

How to keep your coffee fresh

Freshly toasted coffee beans taste better. So the way you order, store and brew your beans is really critical. There are a few little things you can do to make sure you're brewing the fresh stuff!

Check the Roast Date 

You'll find a roast date on each specialty coffee bag. Find it out when you buy your coffee beans. Restock the coffee for one or two weeks.

Degassing valve You may have found a little circular piece of plastic with a few holes at the top of your coffee bag. It's a degassing valve. It lets the CO2 gasses out while holding the oxygen at bay, keeping the coffee fresher for longer.

Proper coffee storage Sunlight and moisture was the worst enemy of Fresh roasted coffee beans. Keep them out of the heat and don't put them in your fridge or freezer. Moving the temperature of your beans from cold to warm will create condensation that will do more harm than good. Hold your beans close or packed in an air jar. If your bean bag doesn't have a zip lock, store it in a glass or ceramic container and place it in a kitchen cupboard.

Grinding your beans Right before you roast, ground your coffee. Grinding accelerates the aging process, and coffee continues to lose its taste rapidly. If you're on the road or hiking, try a small hand grinder instead of a pre-grinder.

We assume that buying Fresh roasted coffee beans is another aspect of the quality chain that begins at the farm of our supplier partners. Every step of the coffee process, from the selection of ripe cherries to attention to detail during the drying to the roasting process at our plant, either contributes or subtracts to the final product in your cup. Buying new roasted coffee, grinding it fresh, and using solid brewing methods, completes the final chapter of this wonderful novel.

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